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Software Solution for Skills & Competences

Create competence profiles, manage workplace requirements, determine the qualification needs of your employees and organise surveys.

Software Module: Skills & Competences

In order to master the demographic challenges in the working environment the continuing education and competence management within the company, for personnel development, must be systematically developed and organised. In the case of a large number of employees or jobs the processes quickly become confusing.

With the software module “Skills & Competences” from iManSys you will definite your workplace requirements, create skill profiles for your employees, organise training measures and develop questionnaires for employee surveys.

The HSQE software solution iManSys supports you in all requirements in terms of health protection, occupational safety, quality and environmental management (Health, Safety, Quality, Environment).


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Features of Skills & Competences

Skill Overview
Skill Reporting

Skill Management

Succession Planning


  • Collection and management of workplace-related job-profiles with individual stages of development
  • Regular assessment of employee qualifications with regard to positions, posts or personal development goals
  • Management of attestations and certificates with possible monitoring of validity periods
  • Identification of suitable personnel for specific positions and tasks
  • Comprehensive evaluation options and statistics on existing characteristics using graphs and tables
  • Support in planning personnel placement, project implementation and personnel development
  • Creation of employee surveys, for example, psychological stress in the workplace (COPSOQ)
  • Creation of campaigns for employee satisfaction
  • Evaluation and reporting
  • Skill Management
  • Succession Planning
  • Surveys

Advantages of Skills & Competences

Regular assessment of the employee qualifi cations for personnel development goals

targeted personnel deployment planning for activities and projects

directly identify qualifi cation needs

Comprehensive opportunities for assessment and statistics

Controlled monitoring of tasks, deadlines and dates

strategic successor planning for positions and activities

Companies that trust us

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Would you like to find out more?

We offer you flexible license models and contract forms as well as update, maintenance and support contracts based on your requirements. For example, you can buy, rent or pay for our software based on usage. If you wish, we can also take care of hosting for you.


iManSys | HSQE Compliance-Management-Software

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