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Software Solution for Risks & Hazards

Create hazard assessments for strategic risk management, complete accident book entries and organise the complete hazardous substance management.

Software Module: Risks & Hazards

Companies are obligated to determine hazards and to introduce corresponding measures for occupational safety. The recording of (near) accidents as well as the organisation of the entire hazardous substance management also belong in a functioning risk management within a company. The processes are often laborious and time-consuming.

With the software module “Risks & Hazards” from iManSys you create hazards assessments, record all incidents in the company and develop your company specific hazardous substance cadastre.

The HSQE software solution iManSys supports you in all requirements in terms of health protection, occupational safety, quality and environmental management (Health, Safety, Quality, Environment).


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Features of Risks & Hazards

Risk Assesment

Risk Assessment

First Aid Book

Hazardous Materials Management

  • Creation of risk assessments for activities, systems, mental stress and hazardous substances
  • Create operating instructions with subsequent employee training
  • Develop templates for frequently recurring hazards
  • Recording of incidents and (near) accidents with detailed information
  • Creation of accident reports for the employers' liability insurance association
  • Documentation of all incidents and (near) accidents
  • Create new or import existing hazardous substances
  • Creation of a company-specific hazardous substance cadastre
  • Planning of workflows and resubmissions for approval processes
  • Risk Assessment
  • First Aid Book
  • Hazardous Materials Management

Advantages of Risks & Hazards

Simple and fast preparation of risk assessments using the checklist generator

Clear actions management on the basis of the risk assessment

Freely configurable incident management and incident reporting via app

Comprehensive hazardous substance management with audit compatible change history

Easy preparation of operating instructions using the operating instructions editor

Audit-proof versioning and archiving of documents with comprehensive risk reporting

Companies that trust us

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Would you like to find out more?

We offer you flexible license models and contract types as well as update, maintenance and support contracts that are tailored to your requirements. You can buy, rent or pay for our software based on usage. If you wish, we can also take care of hosting for you.


iManSys | HSQE Compliance-Management-Software

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