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Software Solution for Actions & Obligations

Comply with all applicable provisions (Legal Compliance) as well as self-defined rules (Corporate Compliance) and organise your action management.

Software Module: Actions & Obligations

Management bears the responsibility for the supervision and control of the organisational structures in the company. However, in order to fulfil it supervisory role a large number of legal bases must be known, numerous duties and obligations must be delegated and corresponding measures for all compliance requirements must be made available.

Features of Actions & Obligations

With the software module “Actions & Obligations” from iManSys you can maintain your legal database, organize all audits, control the complete management of obligations and build up your internal company catalogue of measures.

The HSQE software solution iManSys supports you in all requirements in terms of health protection, occupational safety, quality and environmental management (Health, Safety, Quality, Environment).


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Maßnahmen & Pflichten: Auditplanung
Legal Norms
Overview Obligations

Action Management

Audit Management

Legal Database

Obligations Management

  • Creation, allocation, management and scheduling of actions
  • Creation of action templates for standard processes
  • Development of an action library
  • Planning, management and evaluation of audits
  • Generator for the creation of individual checklists
  • Creation of audit reports encl. PDF export
  • Overview of all regulations, laws and guidelines
  • Linking of trainings, hazards, documents, etc. with applicable legal norms
  • Notification in the event of important changes to the law
  • Development of an obligations library with an overview of obligations
  • Determination of compliance scores vis scorecards
  • Linking of obligations with risk assessments and actions
  • Action Management
  • Audit Management
  • Legal Database
  • Obligations Management

Advantages of Actions & Obligations

Central management of actions with management templates

Simple organisation and implementation of audits using checklists

flexible connection to legal databases

automatic notifi cation if laws or legal standards change

Clear monitoring and delegation of duties, obligations and deadlines

legally compliant assurance of legal and corporate compliance

Companies that trust us

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Would you like to find out more?

We offer you flexible license models and contract forms as well as update, maintenance and support contracts based on your requirements. For example, you can buy, rent or pay for our software based on usage. If you wish, we can also take care of hosting for you.


iManSys | HSQE Compliance-Management-Software

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